IRVINE, CA – August 13, 2018
Prudential Overall Supply, a leading company in the uniform and facility services industry, announced that it has again taken an environmental leadership role in its industry by earning recertification as a Clean Green textile services operator. The accolade reflects the company’s continued minimization of the use of water, energy and other supplies in its core operations: laundering and delivering apparel, floor mats, towels, mops and other reusable textile products for business use.
The certification, awarded by TRSA, the leading international linen, uniform and facility services industry association, verifies business-to-business laundries’ best practices in reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources. Initiated by TRSA, this list of practices has been adopted by ASTM International. That organization is renowned for nearly 120 years of involving top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building customer confidence in product and service quality.
Prudential received its initial Clean Green certification in 2012 and was the first chain industrial laundry operation to be honored with the designation. The company had long been heralded for exemplary performance in conserving resources and controlling discharges. Throughout the previous decade, as the industry developed benchmarks for measuring such efforts, Prudential proved its above-average capabilities in minimizing a laundry’s carbon footprint.
The company also has been a vocal proponent of the industry, noting in its own promotion every industrial laundry’s value in providing businesses with “greener” solutions than alternative approaches they might procure. Uniform service competes with home washing of employee uniforms, which requires more water and energy per garment; and using paper wipers, which are more detrimental to the environment than cloth shop and foodservice towels.
TRSA hails Clean Green certified companies such as Prudential as not only environmentally friendly but sustainable. Their efficiencies and continuous improvement indicate their dedication to cost-effectively meeting customer needs perpetually. “A green business supplier isn’t just ecological; it’s like a healthy tree that shows no signs of ever failing to be able to produce the fruit its customers need to sustain their businesses,” observes Angela Freeman, TRSA certification programs manager.
About TRSA
TRSA ( represents the $20-billion+ U.S. linen, uniform and facility services industry that employs 200,000+ people at 1,500+ facilities nationwide by advocating for fair regulatory and legislative policy affecting the industry and promoting the environmental benefits of reusable textiles. TRSA increases productivity, sustainability, safety and professionalism of textile services worldwide through education, certification, research, benchmarking and information-sharing. Most consumers benefit at least once per week from the cleanliness and safety of laundered, reusable linens, uniforms, towels, mats and other products provided to the service, industrial/manufacturing, hospitality, restaurant and healthcare sectors. TRSA quantifies our industry’s commitment to cleanliness and sustainability through our Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Certification programs.
About Prudential Overall Supply
Family owned and operated since 1932, Prudential Overall Supply is dedicated to enhancing our customers’ image at the best dollar value. By providing premium quality work wear and safety uniforms, career apparel and casual wear, Prudential is able to outfit entire organizations. This certified Clean Green, on-time, weekly service also addresses facility image and safety requirements by offering floor mats, wiping towels and facility products throughout the United States.
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply